LT & LV Ch Ketunpolun Joyful Mirai (Yazi)

NL & LU Ch Perfect Mission of Dark Brightness x Ketunpolun Elizabeth
male, born 19.04.2014


Hips A/A, elbows 0/0, eyes clear (2017), VA0, SP0 LTV0.


Complete sicsors bite


2 pieces

Character test:

Not done yet.


22.07.2017 Saarijärvi, 1. excellent, BM 1, BOB (Tino Pehar)
28.05.2017 Keuruu, CAC BOS (Paivi Eerola)
27.02.2016 Tuusniemi, CAC BOB (DI LORENZO ANTONIO)
13.09.2015 Muurame, CAC (KAPPACHER FRIEDERIKE)

Age of 3 years.
Age of 1,5 years.

Breeder: Mme Salonen, Finland
Owner: Mme Kantelinen, Finlande