C.I.E. C.I.B.-Vet Ch-Vet Ch LT RigaW-18 RTK2 Figaron Quebec Garcon (Tedi)

Ch Fledder di Scottatura x HeW-10 Figaron Oberon
male, born 25.01.2013



Hips A/A, elbows 0/0, eyes clear (2014, 2017, 2019)
LTV0, SP0, VA0


Complete sicsors bite


2 pieces


63 cm/27 kg


07.10.2017 Vantaa, RTK2 Rally Obedience
10.09.2017 Raisio, RTK1 Rally Obedience
24.09.2016 Raisio, character test +128 p (no reaction on shooting)


01.08.2020 Pori (Leila Kärkäs) 1. exc CACIB BOB
26.01.2020 Kaunas Lithuania, Kika Cup (Luis Pinto Teixeira, POR) 1.exc CAC CACIB, BOB
25.01.2020 Kaunas Lithuania, Kaunas Winner (Yogesh Tuteja, IND) 1.exc CAC CACIB, BOB
24.01.2020 Kaunas Lithuania, Kaunas Winter (Nikolay Sedykh, RUS) 1.exc CAC CACIB, BOB
07.12.2019 Helsinki Winner (Beata Stybrova), 1.excellent Champ, BM2 R-CACIB
10.11.2019 Jyväskylä (Marko Lepasaar), 1. excellent CACIB BOS
27.07.2019 Pori (Paul Lawless), 1.excellent R-CACIB
08.06.2019 Paimio (Emanuele Boriero) champ 3.exc CQ
19.05.2019 Mynamaki (Piotr Krol) champ 1.exc BOB
18.05.2019 Rauma (Simon Rooney) champ 1.exc BOB
04.05.2019 Tampere (Nico Kersten) champ 1.exc NORD-CAC BOS
23.03.2019 Turku (George Schogol) champ 2.exc R-CACIB
16.12.2018 Helsinki (Julie Fynmore), 3. excellent
15.12.2018 Helsinki (Craig Fynmore), 2. excellent
11.11.2018 Riga winner (Beata Petkevica), 1,excellent CAC CACIB BOB
11.08.2018 Raisio (Dusan Paunovic) 1. exc CQ BM2
30.06.2018 Joensuu (Jesper Andersson) exc
16.06.2018 Salo (Thomasz Borkowski) 1. exc CQ BM2
26.05.2018 Salo (Karen Gilliland) 1. exc CQ BM3
10.05.2018 Vantaa (Eva de Wine) 2. exc
09.12.2017 Helsinki Nordic Winner, (Brice Roise) 3. exc open
25.11.2017 Tampere, (Jean Lawless) 2. excellent in Champion and 4. Best male
20.08.2017 Tallinna, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Crufts Qualification
19.08.2017 Tallinna, CAC, CACIB, BOB
12.08.2017 Turku (Lemmer Torsten), 1.exc BM2
29.07.2017 Pori (Kirsti Louhi), CACIB and BOB
18.06.2017 Pöytyä (Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen), 1.excellent, BOB, BOG-2
28.05.2017 Rauma (Roy Baker), 1.excellent CQ BM1 BOB, BOG-3
27.05.2017 Harjavalta (Dubravka Reicher), 1.excellent CQ BM1 BOB, BOG-3
06.05.2017 Tampere (Iris Urschitz), 1.excellent CQ BM1 CACIB BOB
21.01.2017 Turku (Anita Whitmars), 2.excellent CQ
10.12.2016 Helsinki (Sonny Strom), excellent
13.11.2016 Jyväskylä (Ruth Wagner) 3.excellent BM3
18.09.2016 Hyvinkää (Maija Mäkinen), 1.exc, CQ BOS
18.06.2016 Helsinki (Berton-Sarlat, FR), excellent
14.05.2016 Mynämäki (Spoljaric Boris), Open 1. exc, BOB
08.05.2016 Harjavalta (DRAGANESCU MARIAN), Open 1.Exc, BOB
07.05.2016 Salo (Bryan Hegarty), Open 1.Exc, BOB
16.01.2016 Turku (Satu Ylämononen), Open 1. exc CAC
08.08.2015 Turku (Bela Sikosi) 2. Excellent, 4. Best male and R-CAC
27.06.2015 Seinäjoki specialty (Dirk Spruit), exc in open and CQ
13.06.2015 Salo (Karen Gilliard), 2. exc CQ 2. male R-CAC
24.04.2015 Turku (Attila Czegledi), 2. Exc, CQ, 4. male
07.12.2014 Helsinki (Antti Nieminen), 2. Exc
16.08.2014 Raisio (Martin Margaret), 1.Exc CQ 3. male CAC
31.05.2014 Turku, 1. Exc (Rolf Blessing)
25.05.2014 Tuuri, 1.Exc, CQ, BM2 and CAC (Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen)
18.08.2013 Turku, 1. Puppy, HP and BOB puppy (Tarja Löfman)

Age of 7 years.
Age of 7 years.
Age of 7 years.
Photo Bettina Hallfors.
Age of 6 years.Photo Pia Ananin.
Age of 5,5 years.
Photo Pia Ananin.
Age of 5 years.
Age of 4,5 years.
Age of 4,5 years.
Age of 4 years.
Age of 3,5 years.
Age of 3,5 years.
Photo Pia Koskinen
Photo Pia Koskinen. Age of 1,5 years.

Age of 7 months.
Age of 6 months.

Breeder: Mme Lotila, Finland
Owner: Mme Bettina Hällfors, Finlande