Bestseller Quantana Mera

Our next litter was born 25th of January 2013 for Helsinki Junior Winner-10 Figaron Oberon.
The male is handsome boy from Holland CH Fledder di Scottatura.
We got 4 males and 1 princess. Two males are available for loving and active homes.
See more photos in Web Gallery

Ch Fledder di Scottatura x HeJW-10 Figaron Oberon

Ch Fledder di Scottatura A Ch GB Domburg in Demand Zefirelli van de Hoge Laer
Ch GB Domburg Reve d'Amour
Ch NL Avril di Scottatura Ch Lux & VDH Oural de la Fureur du Crepuscule
Vismey di Scottatura
Figaron Oberon A s.r. Uphen-Back de la Foret d'Olifan A Ch Laouen de Condivicnum A
R.E. Neige de la Foret d'Olifan A
Bestseller Greta Garbo A Debelisi Knock-out A
JWW-00 Bestseller Tia Tingaling B

Both have scored hips A and also eyes checked clear (2011).
Fledder is an International, Dutch German and luxemburg Champion.
He has won Crufts BOB show 2012 and is Amsterdam Winner 2010 and 2011.
Fledder has also character tested in CSAU (France) and Soocial Character (Holland) without no reaction on shooting.

Oberon has passed Finnish caracter test (158 points) and no reaction on shooting in 2012.
She won CAC and was BOB and 2nd in GROUP in 2011 (judge Harto Stockmari).
She was the BOS puppie in Finnish Specialty 2010 (judge Dirk Spruit, Belgium).

All reservations for family and compagnion dogs are very welcome!
tel. +358-40 50 4141 460 (en francais aussi, also in english)

Etsimme myös kotia vuoden alussa 2013 Ranskasta tulevalle pennulle.
Suunnitelmissa on tuoda uros pentu vanhoista ranskalaisista Condivicnum linjoista.
Jos voit tarjota aktiivisen ja rakastavan kodin tälle pienelle miehelle, ota pikaisesti yhteyttä.

LITTER PLANS for 2013 and 2014

We will have future litters from following females:

Figaron O'Hara and Bestseller Greta Garbo