Bestseller Quantana Mera

Our next litter was born 14th of January 2016.
One girl and one boy!
Both puppies have homes already.

Pentuja syntyi 14.1.2016!
Ihanat tyttö ja poika. Molemmille on löytyneet uudet kodit.

Etsimme myös sijoituskotia tervueren narttu tuontipennulle keväälle 2016.
Pentuja suunniteeilla kesälle 2016, lisätietoja tämän sivun alareunassa.
Jos kiinnostuit, otathan yhteyttä.

Boy age of 2 weeks.
Girl age of 2 weeks.

Multi Ch Fr s.r. JK2 Pjotr Deabei x Bestseller Quimera

Multi Ch Pjotr Deabei A, 0/0 GB Ch Corsini Valentino Multi Ch Gourou du Crepuscule des Loups
GB Ch Corsini Millenium
Ch Erlander Delphine NL Ch Djaegar V D Lamar
AU Ch Grimmendans Xeres
Bestseller Quimera A, 0/0 Bestseller Nuba Nu A Bestseller Cafe au Lait A
IE Ch Revloch Unique A
Arletty de la Tangi Morgane A Tadorne de Condivicnum A
O'Hana de la Tangi Morgane

Both have scored hips A, elbows 0/0 and also eyes checked clear.

Pjotr as called "Bono" is an CIB & CIE, Danish, Finnish, Latvia, Lithuanian and Tcheck Champion.
Pjotr was selected to France sujet recommende list 2013 (s.r.).
He has also several titles from Finland winner (2008), Junior World Winner Stockholm (2008), Baltic Winner (2010) and German winner (2013).
Pjotr has also character tested +157 point (Finland) and CSAU and TAN (France).
Pjotr has prooven records on tracking level 2 (JK2).

Quimera won CAC and was BOS 2014 (judge Marianne Holm).
Quimera is a social and nice family dog.


We will have a litter for summer 2016:

Figaron Prestige x ???

Male will be annouced later.

Early bookings are welcome! Varaathan pentusi ajoissa!
p. 050 4141 460


Our future females for litters for 2017-2018:

Figaron Queen Mary

Figaron Renaissance

Jos kiinnostuit, ota yhteyttä!
p. 050 4141 460