TLNW-20 Figaron Tres Jolie (Telma)

Multi Ch s.r. IPO2 Grimmendans Nayko x CIB CIE s.r. Ch FI JK1 NORDJW-13 Figaron Queen Mary
female, born 12.12.2017



Hips -/A, elbows 1/1, eyes clear. Because left hip bone was broken age of 6 m, the kennel club did not wanted to give estimate on that. According to the vet, both hips are A.


Scissor bite


59 cm

Character test:

Not done yet


02.07.2022 Oulu Specialty (Tom Rozen), CAC, BOS
27.09.2020 Hyvikää (Helin Tenson) 1. excellent CQ CAC R-NORD-CAC BF2
15.08.2020 Tallinn, Estonia, CAC CACIB and BOS and Tallinn Winner
08.06.2019 Paimio (Cath Bond) 2. excellent CQ

Age of 4,5 years.
Age of 3,5 years.
Age of 2,5 years.
Age of 1,5 years.

Breeder: Mme Lotila, Finland
Owner: Mlle Saarto, Finland